Friday, March 22, 2013


So this has nothing to do with beer (do any of my posts?!) but I had to share my latest endeavor in hopes of staying committed because there are days when I REALLY want to quit.

I've started the Insanity workout in hopes of getting my in better shape before my wedding. I always thought I would be a health-crazed lunatic in the months leading up to my wedding, but I definitely haven't been. See, I'm what they call an emotional-eater and any bride (or my fiance!) will tell you - your emotions run wild while planning a wedding. I wish I was one of those girls that doesn't eat when she is anxious or stressed. I do just the opposite, I crave comfort food and sweets when I am stressed, much to the dismay of my growing love handles.

I may eat to ease my tension, but I also find that working out has the same effect (thankfully!).

SO to balance out my increased emotional-eating during the wedding planning, I have increased the intensity of my workout routine.

I have almonst 2 weeks of the Insanity workout under my belt, and so far so good! My last go with the program was not so successful when I had to stop due to a small bout of pneumonia! If I stay on track (and healthy) I will be done with Insansity by May 10th! Perfect timing for my June 1st wedding.

I'll keep you posted with the results. So far almost 2 weeks in, and I haven't lost any weight, but I do find that the workouts are getting slightly easier. I think I also need to start following the Insanity meal plan to get the results I really want. See, I'm a planner. And that applies to my exercise and diet plans. I like to know exactly what I'm supposed to be doing which minimizes the chance I will stray from that plan. When there is a plan in place, I find it harder for me to skip a day simply because I don't feel like workout out.

I have printed out the Insanity workout calendar and placed it promininity on my pantry door as to avoid any days no getting an "X".

Putting that big "X" on the calendar after an intense workout is probably my favorite part of the Insanity workout. (After I finally pull myself up off the floor once I have stopped gasping for air and cursing Shawn T.)

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